Arsenic Water Filtration Systems

High concentrations of arsenic can be hazardous to your health. It is considered a poison that can be fatal even in small doses. Ingesting a significant amount of arsenic can cause stomach pain, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, partial paralysis, numbness, and more. Once consumed via groundwater, it can increase the risk for cancer in the skin, bladder, liver, kidney, prostate, and lungs.

What is arsenic?

Arsenic is a well-known chemical element that’s commonly found in minerals and metals. It is an abundant element in vibrant gray color. But, beware—because arsenic is a highly deadly chemical that’s tasteless and odorless. Its toxicity to fungi and bacteria makes it useful to industrial applications such as preserving wood.

How is your water supply contaminated with arsenic?

Arsenic can reach any water stream and may find its way to your water supply through agricultural or industrial runoff. This is true especially for those who live near an industrial plant, a manufacturing center, or a farm. To prevent the risks of arsenic, it’s important to have your water supply tested, especially if your water source is a private well. There are lots of options for water testing in Charlotte, NC, so there’s no need to worry about that. The best way to address arsenic in your water supply is to use a water filtration system. Several point-of-use (POU) systems can help treat your water and neutralize the hazards of arsenic contamination. When it comes to the type of water filtration system to use, a reverse osmosis water filter is considered the most effective. Reverse osmosis (RO) can eliminate up to 99% of particles, colloids, organics, and dissolved salts in your drinking water. It also removes arsenic and other contaminants and toxic chemicals from your water supply.  It’s a perfect arsenic water filtration system that can filter out even the most dangerous chemicals from the water.

What Does An Arsenic Water Filtration Systems Remove?

In areas with high levels of arsenic contamination, it’s important to find a safe source of water. So you have two options—find a new source of water or remove the arsenic from the contaminated water source. In cases where a new safe water source isn’t possible, your only option is to lessen the arsenic levels through water filtration systems. There are various methods you can use for arsenic removal, such as the following:

3 Water Filtration Systems That Effectively Remove Arsenic and Other Contaminants

Reverse Osmosis Systems

Reverse osmosis (RO) is considered one of the most effective arsenic water filtration systems that can eliminate contaminants at a molecular level. It works by pushing the water through a selective membrane that has microscopic pores, good enough to let the water through. It traps larger molecules like arsenic, iron, chromium, and lead. You can install an activated carbon filter on reverse osmosis systems for odor and taste control.

Anionic Exchange Systems

These systems make use of chemical processes to exchange ions between the water and a resin bed. Anionic exchange systems soften water, lower arsenic and nitrate levels, and eliminate other chemicals like manganese and iron. Take note that these systems are commonly point-of-entry (POE) systems which means they can treat all water that comes into your home.

Anionic exchange systems work by replacing the arsenic molecules with chloride ions by completely eliminating them. It stops only until all the resins are fully charged. Consequently, new chlorine ions now replaced arsenic, making your water supply clean and chemical-free.

Iron Oxide Water Filters

These arsenic water filtration systems are new, but they have been getting great reviews from people for reducing arsenic levels from the water. For those with private drinking water systems, ionic oxide water filters can be used to treat arsenic and other chemicals in the water. They work similarly to activated carbon in which the arsenic is confined and treated in a huge amount of surface area. These can be used either through point-of-use (POU) or point-of-entry (POE) systems.

With a number of options for arsenic water filtration systems, it’s important to select the best that fits your filtration needs. Call us at Charlotte Water Filtration for your options and we’ll guide you throughout the selection process.

Advantages of Arsenic Water Filtration Systems

Arsenic is a heavy metal, and ingesting this chemical at high doses may result in serious health problems. This chemical commonly exists in groundwater. And if your source of water is deep well, then you may need to get an arsenic water filtration system to treat your drinking water. Let’s discuss the benefits of arsenic water filtration systems one at a time.

  • Reverse Osmosis Systems: Reverse osmosis has been proven effective at eliminating the most contaminants and inorganic chemicals in the water, including iron, arsenic, manganese, lead, and chromium. When it works under ideal conditions, it can remove more than 95% of arsenic and other toxic materials from the water.  Plus, it requires minimal maintenance. It’s important to note that it doesn’t require any chemical added during the filtration process. Using reverse osmosis systems for arsenic removal gives you clean and safe water for drinking, cooking, shower, and all. This is why these systems have become the standard water filtration systems in the foodservice industry as they enhance the taste of the food. If used at homes, they can boost the quality of the food you serve for your family.
  • Anionic Exchange Systems: The good thing about these arsenic water filtration systems is that they don’t require much care and attention. You only have to add salt every few weeks to keep the process going. You also have nothing to worry about installing individual filters in your sink, faucet, or appliances as anionic exchange water filters can treat the water in the entire house—making them an ideal option for whole-home filtration.
  • Iron Oxide Filters: If your concern is arsenic in your drinking water, then iron oxide filters are another good choice. They are effective in removing arsenic and other inorganic constituents from the water. Plus, they are easy to install and use—no complications. With arsenic water filtration systems, you’re sure that your water supply is free from chemicals, radicals, and toxins that may harm your health.

Disadvantages of Arsenic Water Filtration Systems

Each of these arsenic water filtration systems has its disadvantages. Let’s go over them one by one!

  • Reverse Osmosis Water Filters: When it comes to reverse osmosis, the problem is that the treated water produced is dependent on the size of the system. So if you can only afford a smaller RO water filter, then you’ll also get a few gallons of treated water. This only means that you only get limited drinking water. Plus, you’ll need to pre-oxidize the system as other types of arsenic (As V) can increase the maintenance costs of your system through time. Additional pretreatment equipment may also be required for reverse osmosis for better efficiency. Point-of-entry (POE) reverse osmosis systems may cause corrosion-related issues in your plumbing system, thus increasing the level of copper and lead in your water supply.
  • Anionic Exchange Systems: Other elements and contaminants in the water may compete with arsenic during the filtration process, making these systems less effective. When the resin spot for the arsenic has been filled by other chemicals, your water supply may not be as safe as it should. Also, the treated water may have low levels of acidic pH and chloride, which can be dangerous for your plumbing.
  • Iron Oxide Filter Systems: For these systems to work at full potential, you may need to replace the media regularly; thus routine maintenance is required. Its efficiency may be reduced if there is manganese, silica, sulfate, or organic carbon in the water supply.

For the best water treatment system in Charlotte, NC and the nearby areas, feel free to contact Charlotte Water Filtration to perform an analysis of your situation. We’ll assess your needs and help you select the best solution for arsenic removal.